trade more than 1200 cryptocurrency coins in iran

After 14 years of experience in the field of cryptocurrency and digi currency transactions, Iranicard cryptocurrency exchange is here to provide you the best experience with 24-hour support, fast authentication and the possibility of financial exchange and making international payments through digital currency.

Increasing the security of cryptocurrency transactions and the conditions for keeping cryptocurrencies is our main concern, and that is why, in addition to providing comprehensive educational materials in the field of cryptocurrencies, we have also provided you with the opportunity to purchase a hardware wallet.

During the entire period of activity, the trust of users and their positive opinion about the performance of Iranicard digital currency exchange has been a source of comfort and our only motivation to continue.

Digital currency users of Iranicard exchange

Our valuable companions during 10 years of activity
Authentication minutes
coins and tokens
In Iran

Safe buying and selling in Iranicard digital currency exchange

Why do users choose Iranicard digital currency exchange?

For cryptocurrency activists and investors, the high security of the exchange, the speed of transactions, strong support and the variety of available coins and tokens are the main factors. To choose a digital currency exchange. The expert support staff of Iranicard exchange are ready to answer and help you at any moment. This feature, along with the security and validity of the collection and providing the possibility of buying and selling and viewing the current price of more than 1000 digital currencies, is the reason for users’ trust in Iranicard digital currency exchange.


More than a decade

For more than 10 years, Iranicard Exchange has been working harder every day to provide the highest quality cryptocurrency services and to satisfy users.

Fast authentication

After registering at Iranicard exchange, complete your authentication process in just 5 minutes and start trading digital currencies.

trade digital currency with the lowest fees

Buying and selling of digital currencies in Iranicard digital currency exchange is done with a fixed fee.

Diversity in listed currencies

Experience trading more than 1000 different currencies at Iranicard digital currency exchange.

Ask Iranicard

Frequently asked questions

You can trade more than 1200 coins and tokens in iranicard cryptocurrency exchange

Sure, with 24/7 online support and more than a decade of experience in this industry we are dedicated to propose good service to all users

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